Creative Paper
Nachdem ich Queenstown verlassen habe, hab ich eine Nacht in Burnie verbracht. Am naechsten Morgen habe ich mir dann Creative Paper Tasmania angesehen. Diese stellen handmade paper (selbstgemachtes Papier) her. Das ist voll interessant und ich war echt erstaunt aus was man so alles Papier machen kann. Vor allem das Roo Poo Paper fand ich sehr interessant. Am Ende der Tour durfte man selber Papier machen. Eine neue Erfahrung fuer mich...
Und ihr duerft jetzt mal raten, was Roo Poo Paper ist...
---english version---
After I left Queenstown I spent the night in Burnie. At the next morning I had a look at Creative Paper Tasmania. They make handmade paper. This is very intersting and I was very surprised from what you can make paper. At the end of the tour you could make your own paper. A new experience for me...
And you can advise what Roo Poo Paper ist...

Creative Paper Tasmania
Und ihr duerft jetzt mal raten, was Roo Poo Paper ist...
---english version---
After I left Queenstown I spent the night in Burnie. At the next morning I had a look at Creative Paper Tasmania. They make handmade paper. This is very intersting and I was very surprised from what you can make paper. At the end of the tour you could make your own paper. A new experience for me...
And you can advise what Roo Poo Paper ist...

Creative Paper Tasmania
Melanie * 07. März 07, 06:06 Uhr * 50.16) Tasmania