Nachdem ich jetzt das ganze Geld fuer mein Auto bekommen habe, hab ich mir erst mal einen Faulenzertag gegoennt. Ich hab mich in der Videothek angemeldet und mir ein paar DVDs ausgliehen. Hilft natuerlich auch meinem Englisch, da die DVDs alle in English sind. 
---english version---
After I got the whole money for my car, I had a relaxed day. I joined the place where you can rent DVDs and take a few of them home. It is good for my english too, because the DVDs are in English.

---english version---
After I got the whole money for my car, I had a relaxed day. I joined the place where you can rent DVDs and take a few of them home. It is good for my english too, because the DVDs are in English.

Melanie * 04. April 07, 05:05 Uhr * 50.15) Victoria